
Supplier of reusable cups and tableware
  • Canton VD
  • Sector SRV
  • Employees 30
Illustration Ecomanif

Modernization of the deposit system for reusable tableware

  1. 05.2023

    Entry of Ecomanif in the LFC program
  2. 04.2023

    On-site diagnosis of circular economy potential
  3. 07.2023

    Co-creation workshop to design innovative solutions to the problem
  4. 10.2023

    Assessment of stakeholder interest and maturity
  5. 11.2023

    Identification of potential partners
  6. 01.2024

    Tests and pilots of new concepts in reusable tableware

Process and impact

Ecomanif SA, under the impetus of its dynamic and inspiring Director, Gilles Marmy, wanted to review the deposit system for reusable tableware. How could its use be made more accessible and less restrictive? How to encourage the return of washable crockery in a positive way?

The Fabrique Circulaire first supported Ecomanif SA by organizing a brainstorming workshop inspired by the Design Thinking method. This process enabled us to assess users' needs during an immersion phase. Then, during an ideation phase, innovative solutions were developed to solve the problems raised by users.

Secondly, the most relevant solutions were translated into concrete avenues to be explored. La Fabrique Circulaire assessed the relevance, interest and maturity of stakeholders with regard to these solutions.

La Fabrique Circulaire's work enabled us to take stock of the market and highlight opportunities for collaboration. As a result, Ecomanif SA now has all the information it needs to launch pilot projects in the near future.

The next steps envisaged by Ecomanif SA are to set up collaborative projects with other players in the Vaud region (notably in the catering, home delivery and events sectors) to support the environmental cause by continuing to democratize the deposit.

SME Team

  • Gilles Marmy
    Gilles Marmy Director, Ecomanif
  • Ecomanif - Benoît Delapraz
    Benoît Delapraz Events manager, Ecomanif

Our related offer

  • New business models
  • Metrics, improving the environmental impact of the business
  • Recycling and reuse loops

La Fabrique Circulaire is a breeding ground for ideas and goodwill, a place to find contacts and a place for relationships to flourish.

Gilles Marmy
Gilles Marmy Director, Ecomanif

The company

Ecomanif SA supplies reusable eco-dishes© for events, businesses and individuals, offering a sustainable alternative to single-use containers.