
Glass wool insulation
  • Canton VD
  • Sector CNS
  • Employees 170
Illustration Isover

Securing supplies of recycled glass for insulating materials

  1. 05.2023

    In situ project scoping
  2. 08.2023

    Identification of new sources of supply
  3. 10.2023

    Local sourcing scenario, initiation of new partnerships
  4. 02.2024

    Confirmation of the availability of local sources of recycled glass
  5. 12.2023

    Partnership consolidation

Process and impact

Isover Switzerland uses 80% recycled glass to manufacture its insulating materials. The company notes that the pressure on recycled glass resources is increasing, and that local supply chains are not sufficiently organized to guarantee efficient flows in a short circuit logic. This Lucens-based SME is therefore seeking to secure long-term supplies of high-quality local glass for its "Swiss made" insulation production.

La Fabrique Circulaire's support enabled Isover to design an alternative supply solution, based on an assessment of potential volumes and a model of their geographical distribution.

At the same time, Isover was able to accelerate the establishment of several partnerships with players in the value chain. Pilot projects have been launched, with the aim of securing supplies in Switzerland within a perimeter of up to 200km, by 2025.

By reducing the number of intermediaries and sourcing more locally, the chosen solution reduces the impact of transport and the use of raw materials.

The project has also surpassed the SME's objective of identifying local sources of recycled glass to cover 50% of its needs.

SME Team

  • Aurélien Luhmann
    Aurélien Luhmann Marketing Director, Isover
  • Antoine Robert, Directeur Technique, Isover
    Antoine Robert Technical director, Isover
  • Tanguy Vuibert
    Tanguy Vuibert Supply Chain Manager, Isover

Our related offer

  • Zero-carbon SMEs and circular economy strategies
  • Metrics, improving the environmental impact of the business
  • New business models

Thanks to its knowledge of the recycling ecosystem and a genuine market approach, La Fabrique Circulaire quickly grasped our problem and put us in touch with motivated local players.

Tanguy Vuibert
Tanguy Vuibert Supply Chain Manager, Isover

The company

Isover designs and manufactures innovative, high-performance thermal and acoustic insulation for the construction industry.

Based on 80% recycled glass waste, its products have one of the best ecobalances of any insulation on the market. The manufacturing process is constantly optimized to reduce energy consumption and improve product efficiency. The company is also aiming for carbon neutrality by 2050.