Dénériaz SA

Building, civil engineering and underground work
  • Canton VD
  • Sector CNS
  • Employees 13
Deneriaz illustration

Circular economy strategy and roadmap

  1. 05.2023

    Entry into the LFC program and diagnosis of circular economy potential
  2. 10.2023

    Inventory and materiality analysis
  3. 01.2024

    Roadmap development
  4. 03.2024

    Project closing

Process and impact

The project and support provided by La Fabrique Circulaire enabled:

1- A strategic analysis from multiple angles.

  • An inventory of the company's current situation and its maturity in terms of sustainability.
  • A materiality analysis to take into account the company's challenges and needs for the future.

2- Structuring the company's sustainability and circular economy priorities.

  • Formulation of a strategic vision to guide and support defined choices
  • Identification of areas for work and improvement
  • Formalization of measures to be implemented in the short and long term, with objectives for developing the circular economy within the company.

SME Team

  • Dénériaz SA - Mélanie Aegerter
    Mélanie Aegerter Executive Assistant QSE Manager, Dénériaz SA

Our related offer

  • Metrics, improving the environmental impact of the business
  • Recycling and reuse loops

Thanks to the roadmap drawn up as part of La Fabrique Circulaire, we now have a real performance lever and an excellent basis for deploying the projects we have identified. It will also enable us to collect data and measure the impact of our activities.

Dénériaz SA - Mélanie Aegerter
Mélanie Aegerter Executive Assistant QSE Manager, Dénériaz SA

The company

Dénériaz SA, founded in 1932 by Gustave Dénériaz, is active in all aspects of building work (new construction and conversions), civil engineering and underground work. With a staff of around one hundred, our Lausanne-based company manages major projects in line with a genuine Quality-Safety-Environment (QSE) policy.