
Waste collection and treatment
  • Canton GE
  • Sector SRV
  • Employees 145
Container à déchets

Setting up a re-use scheme for professional furniture

  1. 10.2021

    Site visit and diagnosis of circular economy potential
  2. 12.2021

    Selection of circular economy project: "reuse"
  3. 07.2022

    Characterisation of the deposit and analysis of market trends
  4. 11.2022

    Finalisation of the new "re-use" offer for Serbeco

Process and impact

The Serbeco Group is looking to diversify its services and is interested in developing re-use channels to reduce waste and make better use of resources.

The Fabrique Circulaire supported the Serbeco Group in assessing the relevance of such a model for professional furniture from an environmental and economic point of view. This involved answering the following questions:

What volumes are involved, and are they significant?

Is reuse more environmentally friendly than current disposal?

Is there a market for this sector? Is there sufficient supply and demand?

Who are the competitors? What partnerships are possible? What would the new Serbeco services consist of?

The work of La Fabrique Circulaire has enabled us to draw up an initial inventory of the market and has highlighted avenues for collaboration so that the Serbeco Group has all the elements required to launch the marketing of this new offer in the near future.

SME Team

  • leila-asloun
    Leila Asloun de Vries Director of ProP, Serbeco
  • bertrand girod
    Bertrand Girod Director, Serbeco
  • serbeco-didier-godme
    Didier Godmé Support Manager, Serbeco

Our related offer

  • Metrics, improving the environmental impact of the business
  • Recycling and reuse loops

The Circular Factory has been a catalyst for our projects.

Leila Asloun de Vries Director of ProP, Serbeco

The company

A leading family business in the collection, recycling and recovery of waste in the Canton of Geneva. With 40 years' experience and strong roots in the local community, it is now also active in waste management and renewable energy. Certified B Corp, Serbeco continues to work for the environment, social reintegration and innovation to support the energy transition.