Kugler Bimetal

High-precision bimetallic parts
  • Canton GE
  • Sector IND
  • Employees 70
Floating sleeve

Creation of a bronze recycling loop for industrial use

  1. 10.2021

    On-site diagnosis of circular economy potential
  2. 01.2022

    Selection of a project to reinforce a bronze recovery loop
  3. 06.2022

    Identification of supply sources locally
  4. 11.2022

    Closing of the project

Process and impact

Kugler Bimétal has set up a complete bronze recycling loop. Today, bronze waste and shavings from production are sorted, compacted and sent to a partner who recasts the bronze into ingots, before sending it back to Geneva.

In collaboration with La Fabrique Circulaire, Kugler Bimetal's project is to increase the volume of copper and other metals recycled. The idea is to integrate the entire downstream sector and involve other Geneva-based players in the process, in order to create a truly regional circular economy.

The Circular Factory is meeting with industrial and urban players to identify potential sources of waste in Geneva. The aim is to analyse the quantity and availability of these sources, and to assess the possibilities for collecting and recycling metals, so that they can be integrated into the Kugler Bimetal circuit.

SME Team

  • kuglerbimetal-vincent-gillet
    Vincent Gillet Director, Kugler Bimetal

Our related offer

  • Zero-carbon SMEs and circular economy strategies
  • Recycling and reuse loops

We could go even further by offering other companies in the region the chance to recycle their own bronze parts or scrap. In this way, recycling would not be limited solely to our internal loop... We could develop a real local synergy, with a local circular economy.

Vincent Gillet Director, Kugler Bimetal

The company

High-precision bimetallic parts