
Prefabricated modular wood-frame construction
  • Canton GE
  • Sector CNS
  • Employees 3

Temporary modular "living base" housing concept

  • Edition Genève 2021 GE21
  • Status 100 %
  1. 11.2021

    On-site diagnosis of circular economy potential
  2. 02.2022

    Start of development of the "pilot" temporary housing project
  3. 11.2021

    Closing the test process

Process and impact

The result of a combination of an entrepreneurial start-up and a team with expertise in the circular economy, a number of project ideas have emerged.

Atome's circular economy potential identification stage gave rise to the idea of testing a modular "life base"-type housing concept that could be adapted to meet a wide range of uses: humanitarian emergencies, temporary housing, residential accommodation, etc.

The support provided by La Fabrique Circulaire ranges from meeting potential customers, partners and funders to test the idea in the field, to co-defining technical and functional specifications and networking. The aim is to develop modules on a local and circular basis.

Following this exploratory work, Atome will be in a position to roll out the concept. In addition, a pilot project is ready to be launched in Plan-les-Ouates, thanks to collaboration between Atome and locally active foundations.

SME Team

  • Atome - Marc Isler
    Marc Isler Cofounder, Atome
  • Atome - Christophe David
    Christophe David Architect and co-founder, Atome

Our related offer

  • Metrics, improving the environmental impact of the business

The Fabrique Circulaire enabled us to develop a product that will be the subject of a pilot project in Plan-les-Ouates. For us, it has been a vehicle for creating new collaborations, where architecture, sustainable construction and a social integration project meet.

Atome - Marc Isler
Marc Isler Cofounder, Atome

The company

Founded at the end of 2018, Atome is a young company that designs and builds residential homes, administrative or industrial buildings with prefabricated timber-frame façade elements, incorporating natural fibre insulation and using eco-friendly materials.